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1 October 2008 / erikduval

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies

My co-editor Ralf broke the news two days ago: the first issue of the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies is out!

The launch of this journal is pretty significant IMHO, as I hope it will help shape our field as a serious research domain, with a proper(ly recognized) outlet for quality research. I am very happy to have been able to help with establishing the journal as a member of its Steering Committee…

From the TLT web site:

This particular journal also pioneers the use of a “delayed open-access” business model within its cosponsoring societies. This means that paying subscribers receive access to all published material including material less than 12 months old, while the general public receives access without charge to those articles that have been published for more than 12 months.

I’d prefer to have a fully open access journal with the same standing, but I believe that this is already a serious step in the good direction.

The special issue that Ralf and I edited includes fully reworked and re-reviewed versions of the best papers of ECTEL07. (Two weeks ago, ECTEL08 took place – Serious Fun!) Our introduction briefly presents the different papers. As we wrote there:

Most of all, we hope and trust that you, valued reader, will find these papers of interest to your research and we look forward to hearing from you about your further work in this area that can make such a significant difference in the lives of so many.

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